Detact in daily operations
Just find out how our customers use their data intelligently,
across processes and sustainably
Your data are valuable information!
Just have a look at the following use cases and you will understand how manufacturers and processors optimise their processes – automated and monitored by the AI platform Detact. The articles will give you an insight on how Detact works as a fundamental infrastructure for process and quality optimisation.
Detact is highly scalable. That’s why this AI software system is just as suitable for a single plant as it is for group-wide installations. Detact collects data from your processes and analyses them with its own AI algorithms. In the Symate Cloud, even Big Data is processed effortlessly, while you automatically receive individual recommendations for action. For small projects or group-wide installations. Even Big Data is processed effortlessly via the special Symate Cloud.
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EBG Group
Cross-border communication between process chains
“Our Czech colleagues will use Symate’s AI system including all MES functions on site to optimise their processes based on objective data. At the same time, our German development team will access the data from the ongoing production to track the process in detail. Based on this, we want to jointly ensure the quality of EBG products and achieve reproducible results.”
(EBG Group)

Leibniz IPF
A digital materials factory with an AI-based MES
“Now we are able to merge the material data across disciplines and from different data sources […] This leads us to completely new industrial planning and control systems in the sense of the fourth industrial revolution (‘Industry 4.0’).”
(Leibniz IPF)

Brose Fahrzeugteile
Symate’s AI supports inline quality inspection
“Today, Detact provides us with completely new opportunities. In fact, the AI system offers such a deep insight into running processes that we can adjust every single step and manufacture our plastic parts more precisely.”

Process and quality analysis in medical technology injection molding
“The AI platform will collect and analyse data from various sources and thus take over a large part of our root cause analysis. […] For us, this has a clear advantage: We recognise quality problems very early and clearly assign their causes supported by software.”

DLR/ Aircraft Lightweight Construction
A soft sensor for the production of large aircraft parts
“With Detact, we now have a tool that supports us in the development of self-regulating processes. It also reduces the effort required for subsequent quality assurance through repair or rework. Additionally, we aim to reduce time for our current QA process by at least 10 per cent.”
(DLR Stade)

Allit Technologie
The intelligent injection mold: A vision becomes tangible
“With the AI system Detact […] we are able to provide workers with valuable facts they can use for their daily job. In practice, it hardly matters what experience the individual employee actually has […]. In the end, data counts!”
(Allit Technologie GmbH)

FH Bielefeld
Automated Big Data analysis and visualisation with Detact
“This web-based software system brings together all relevant data from heterogeneous sources via real-time streaming via the internet and analyses them automatically in our cluster. A classic MES would be overwhelmed with this task.”
(FH Bielefeld)