media contact

David haferkorn
This might be of interest, too

Artificial Intelligence Paves the Way to Autonomous Manufacturing
Manufacturing AI from Dresden goes Global
Industry 4.0 international: Vietnamese spinning mill goes high-tech with Detact AI software platform
AI analyses data: Detact provides cross-process transparency and reveals interactions
Milestone for Symate: Further step towards Detact’s international presence

AI infrastructure connects process chains across borders
• Symate with new client in the Czech Republic
• Milestone for Symate: Important step towards networked process transparency on an international level

Detact News, March 2022
Read the full March issue of the Detact newsletter in PDF format here:

Just startet: EU Trinity Project for Detact Milling CPPS
– Digital twin: building a demonstrator for a milling CPPS.
– The demonstrator shows the interaction of data acquisition from machine and process, data management and simulation models.
Dates & Events
Media Coverage on Detact
15.12.2021, K-Aktuell and Kunststoffweb:
The online portal of the plastics magazine ‘K-Profi’ and the trade medium ‘Kunststoffweb’ report on the co-operation between Symate and Leibniz IPF:
“Materials research with AI-based MES”.
Dresden-based Symate GmbH, a specialist in Industrial IoT, Big Data and the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in manufacturing, is supporting the establishment of a digitalised materials factory at the Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research (IPF) in Dresden. There, new types of high-performance polymer materials are to be developed as part of the project “PolyDigMa – Polymers by Digital Material Science”. The scalable AI platform Detact, which includes all the functions of a modern MES (Manufacturing Execution System), but also intelligent data-based options for the sustainable optimisation of process and quality, will also be used here.”
You can read the articles here and here…
(in German language)
13.12.2021, Computer & Automation:
The German trade journal for industrial automation and digitalisation reports on the cooperation between Symate and the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt/ DLR e.V.).:
“AI-based quality assurance at DLR”.
The article introduces the new Detact soft sensor that Symate has developed for the special requirements of DLR. With the help of this soft sensor, DLR is researching multi-material lightweight construction under industrial conditions. The focus is on the development of an automated fibre placement (AFP) process for the production of large-area, high-integrity multi-material lightweight components. AFP is used, for example, to produce the nose and cockpit areas of Boeing’s Dreamliner 787, as well as the wing and fuselage structures of the Airbus A350.
You can read the full article here…’
(in German language)
10/2021, Medical Design News:
The specialised portal of the WEKA Fachmedien Group reports on the cooperation between Symate and Murrplastik:
“Symate digitises plastics production for medical technology”
Symate GmbH, a specialist in the optimisation of manufacturing processes using artificial intelligence (AI) methods, is expanding the quality management of Murrplastik Medizintechnik GmbH. The AI platform Detact will collect and analyse data from various sources in production and define possible causes for deviations in quality. Murrplastik will thus receive a flexible and individually adaptable system that supports seamlessly high product quality and efficiency…”
Please read the full article here…
(in German language)
10/2021, China reports on Detact:
The Chinese edition of the German ‘Kunststoff Magazin’ reports on the cooperation between Symate and Fraunhofer IMWS:
Please read the full article here …
(in Mandarin language)
10/2021, Industry of Things:
The renowned plastics magazine reports on the cooperation between Symate and Blackstone.
The article describes the collaboration as follows:
“Automated process monitoring
Symate equips battery producer with AI platform
Blackstone Technology wants to achieve stable additive series production of its novel lithium-ion batteries by 2022. To achieve this, Symate GmbH’s AI platform Detact will collect data from manufacturing processes across systems, analyse them centrally with artificial intelligence and create a digital twin.”
Please read the full article here …
(in German language)
10/2021, Plastverarbeiter:
The renowned plastics magazine reports on the cooperation between Symate and Blackstone
The article describes the cooperation as follows:
“Blackstone Technology has built a new factory in the German city of Doebeln, Saxony, which is equipped with the AI platform Detact by Symate, Dresden. This collects data from the battery manufacturer’s production processes across systems and analyses them centrally with artificial intelligence. This should ensure stable series production of the battery cells by 2022. In order to be able to reliably master the complex, data-intensive 3D printing in series production, Blackstone relies on a printing technology developed in-house and on the principle of the digital twin, which works with the data from the process, quality and environment provided by Detact.”
Please read the full article here …
(in German language)
03/2021, IT & Production:
The German trade journal for digital manufacturing reports on a joint AI project between Symate and Allit Technologie GmbH. Together, the two companies are developing a novel solution for injection moulding.
The multi-page article describes the forward-looking project as follows:
“A new type of injection moulding assistance system is currently being developed at Allit Technologie. This relies on automatic process data analysis with artificial intelligence and combines it with a modular measuring system. The system is intended to offer injection moulders the opportunity to implement AI technology in production with little effort. The combination of software and hardware, as well as the measuring unit, enables injection moulders to identify process trends early on, avoid scrap and reduce costs. […]
The end result is a pilot plant that can offer real added value and meet future challenges of digitised production. In addition, the solution can reduce the effects of the shortage of skilled workers, Udo Gaumann, Managing Director of Allit Technologie GmbH, explains: ‘At first glance, there doesn’t seem to be a direct connection here, but if you look at artificial intelligence and modern quality management, it very quickly becomes clear that these topics fit together perfectly. For us, the solution was therefore quickly obvious. This was another reason why we decided to work with Symate, because with the AI system Detact we realise a powerful quality forecast based on process data and we provide the workers with valuable facts they can work with. In this context, it hardly matters what experience the individual employee actually brings to the table or with how much sensitivity he or she controls the process at any given moment. In the end, only the data count! With Detact, all information is stored centrally and it is not lost even if, for example, an employee is sick or leaves the company or if information needs to be transmitted at shift changes.’ […]
In view of the shortage of skilled workers, this model could be transferred to other sectors in order to digitise existing knowledge and use it in a targeted manner. In this regard, Gaumann adds: ‘We are convinced that the overall system will achieve savings of 30 per cent or more in the quality and skilled labour sector.'”
The article was published in the March 2021 print edition of IT & Production as well as online. Please read the full article here …
03/2021, Digital Factory Journal (E-Paper):
The trade medium for digital manufacturing reports on the cooperation between Symate and Pepperl + Fuchs
The extensive article describes how Symate connects its AI system Detact with P+F’s sensor technology, thus forming an important basis for the creation of new communication standards.
It focuses on the benefits for the user and a comprehensible return on investment (RoI) – especially in areas such as trouble shooting, process control and ramp-up, but also in general process control and sustainable quality assurance.
By working with P+F and other partners, Symate is able to cover practically all of the customers’ requirements from the field level, through the process level, to IT and the cloud, while at the same time making the benefits of artificial intelligence available to the users.
In this way, digitalisation can be realised step by step according to the principle of Industry 4.0 and implemented according to the individual needs of a customer. In this context, the main focus is also on systematically and successfully integrating existing plants into new Industrie 4.0 projects.
The article was published as an e-paper in March 2021. Please read the full article here …
(in German Language)
05.11.2020, KGK Rubberpoint:
The German trade journal reports on the lightweight construction research project ‘hypro’, in which Detact acts as a central process control station (MES) around an injection moulding plant.
In the research project, highly resilient and multifunctional hybrid components are to be developed for series production in the automotive sector on the basis of more than 10,000 hybrid structures.
Read the entire article here…
13.09.2020, Leichtbauwelt:
The German trade journal reports on the lightweight construction project ‘SuperTooler’ of the TU-Dresden. Here, the Dresden-based Industry 4.0 specialist Symate connects data sources and systematically analyses the data with Detact.
Symate’s digitalisation experts analyse and configure the interfaces of the hybrid manufacturing cell with Detact and develop a pipeline for synchronising the data streams with the process chain.
Read the entire article here…
(in German language)
04.09.2020, Medica Magazin:
The German journal reports on the care project “Pathway-based Quality Management in MS Care” (QPATH4MS).
With the QPATH4MS project, a quality management (QM) concept is being integrated into MS treatment for the first time nationwide that takes into account not only the doctor’s perspective but also that of the patient. Symate is an official partner of this project, which processes data using the AI platform Detact.
Please read the full article here…
(in German language)
04.06.2020, Industry of Things:
Das Fachportal berichtet über die Zusammenarbeit von Symate mit Fraunhofer IMWS.
In einem Leichtbau-Projekt beschäftig sich das Fraunhofer IMWS mit der Großserienproduktion von Thermoplast-basierten Sandwich-Bauteilen aus sogenannten Organosandwich-Halbzeugen (OSW). Um eine Qualitätskontrolle direkt im Verarbeitungsprozess möglich zu machen, setzt das Forscherteam auf Methoden der künstlichen Intelligenz (KI) und nutzt dafür das KI-System Detact.
Den gesamten Beitrag lesen Sie hier…
02.10.2019, Plastverarbeiter:
Das Fachportal berichtet über den einsatz von Detact bei Weidplas, einen führenden Hersteller von Kunststoffkomponenten und -systemen für die Automobil- und Industrietechnik.
Mit dem selbstlernenden Softwaresystem Detact will das Unternehmen einen tieferen Einblick in laufende Fertigungsprozesse gewinnen und neue Wege zur Optimierung von Prozessen beschreiten. Die datenbasierte Optimierung von Fertigungsprozessen ist die Kernaufgabe des KI-Dashboards.
Den gesamten Beitrag lesen Sie hier…